Disciplina internacional PPGE

Brazilian culture: topics on a puzzled civilization

O PPGE oferece sua primeira disciplina internacional

Credit course (128 h): Brazilian culture: topics on a puzzled civilization.


Prof. Wilson Alves de Paiva, PhD

Information and registration
July 26 (Monday) 8am to 5pm – Previous and new Grad students.
July 27 (Tuesday) 8am to 5pm – Students from other postgraduation programs and from other universities attending a postgraduation course recommended by CAPES.
July 29 (Thursday) 8am to 5am – General public
Interested, please write to: scriswap@ufg.br

The Portuguese roots. Saudade as a Portuguese feeling. the Portuguese diaspora, the formation and the meaning of Brazil. The Brazilian society: ethnic and cultural constitution. Brazilian literature: from the romantic sight to the Machado de Assis’ critical view. Brazil as a multicultural nation, hybridity and the social and ethnic problems. Regional diversification and puzzle on a modern society.

To introduce a general understanding of the Brazilian ethnic and cultural formation; to access the academic production about the Brazilian culture in English; to provide an international channel through which foreigners can know about our culture, our people and our problems.

Virtual classes by using the Internet platforms available; Reding and discussion of texts in English.

Individual participation, group activities and small essay writing.

Part I – Historical and cultural formation

  • Portugal’s tragedy and the invention of saudade
  • The first sights of Brazil and the acculturation process
  • The constitution of the Brazilian society

Part II – Multiple visions of Brazil

  • The literary perspective: Machado de Assis and other icons
  • The academic perspective: Fernando de Azevedo; José Honório Rodrigues; Gilberto Freyre; Sérgio Buarque de Holanda; Darcy Ribeiro
  • The critical perspective of a puzzled culture: Roberto DaMatta, Hendrik Kraay

More information and References.

Categorias: Notícias